The Branch Module (Head office application for the ROBOTILL Point of Sale System ) has been improved. With previous versions all products at the head office were rolled out (remotely via the internet) to the various branches (shops). From version 7.16 you can now select specific products to be rolled out to specific branches/shops. The new version gives you the following flexibility: Specific products can be deleted at the branch level but still be kept at the head office and other branches. You can choose to roll out only new products. The system will look at each branch to see what was added to the system after the specific branch/shop was last updated. You can select specific products for specific branches if some products are only available at specific branches. You can also still choose to simply update all products - in the same way the previous versions worked. For more information on how the new Branch Module update branches see: Update Branches in our online he
Point of Sale Software / Retail Software / Restaurant Software