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Showing posts from April, 2019

Point of Sale Training Videos

ROBOTILL will be adding a lot of POS Training videos. To make sure you don't miss anything, please subscribe to our  ROBOTILL Support Training Channel on YouTube . We published an article on this blog each time we uploaded a new training video. As we will be adding many more, we have decided to no longer publish an article each time a new video is available. Instead, you can subscribe to our channel. The videos will also be added to the various sections of our online help .

ROBOTILL Version 8.01 released

ROBOTILL Version 8.01 has been released and is available for download . Several enhancements and quality fixes has been done in the new version 8 (from version 8.00). It is suggested that all users from earlier versions upgrade but especially users that are using version 8.00.00 to version 8.00.12. The following is new in version 8.01 (from version 8.00): Keyboard usage has been improved (when not using a touch screen). See: Hot Keys and Keyboard . Product and Customer search has been improved. When you add a category as a button to the menu, you can now select multiple products at once instead of adding one at a time. See POS Menu Customer Orders has been added. See Customer Orders in the Online Help . Several quality fixes has been done.

Training video for Scale Items and Measured Items

This video show how to use scale items and other measured items like length or time in your Point of Sale application . Note that it does not show how to work with scale generated  barcodes . For that see Scale Generated  Barcodes  in the online help.