When a customer wants to exchange an item you could just do a refund on the first sale and then do a new sale. However, giving the customer the cash back and then doing a new sale is a bit cumbersome. You also might have an exchange policy but not allow refunds. There is a very good and efficient solution for exchanges in ROBOTILL . ROBOTILL allows you to refund cash or refund into an account. You wouldn't want to create a new customer account each time a customer wants to exchange an item. The solution is to create a couple of 'Exchange Credit Cards'. Setting up your Exchange Cards Open General Configuration in ROBOTILL Manager > Setup > System Configuration. Check 'Use Customer Cards' and Update. In Customers, create a couple of Exchange Credit Customers - 'Exchange Credit 1', 'Exchange Credit 2', etc. - See below: You can then print exchange credit cards with a barcode containing the customer account number. Altern
Point of Sale Software / Retail Software / Restaurant Software