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Important changes in ROBOTILL

Existing customers of the popular Point of Sale System ROBOTILL should take note of the following two important changes in Version 3.41:

Change in how Cash Drawers work in ROBOTILL:

If a cash drawer (shift) has not been opened for a cashier and the cashier logs in, the system will now automatically open a cash drawer (shift) for that user and allocate a default float. This feature can be disabled in Manager if required. The default float can also be specified in Manager. 

When a cashier does a Cash Up, the drawer will not be closed (shift will be ended). The cash drawer can alternatively be closed from Manager. 

In Manager, a Cash Drawer now needs to be Finalized. A Cash Drawer is Finalized to confirm that the cash counted by the cashier is the actual cash returned. 

Change how 'Quantity Change' work in ROBOTILL:

To change quantity of an item, the item now first needs to be scanned (or selected) before changing the quantity. With previous versions it was needed to first change the quantity and then scan the item. 

It is also now possible to change quantities of any item in the list (previously scanned items in of the same sale).

Quantity change has been added to the Task Security in ROBOTILL so that it is possible to decide what security level is required to do a quantity change.

What else is new in version 3.41:
  • Cash Drop added. Cash Drop and Cash Withdrawn added to drawer report.
  • Problem when printing long till slips was fixed.
  • Quantity change via short cut keys and Quantity Change Screen added to Restaurant Module. 
  • Measured items (scale items and items measured in time or other unit) has been improved.
  • Drawer report of POS applications (Restaurant and Retail) was improved and a Drawer Report was added to Manager (back office application).
The FREE Edition of ROBOTILL can be downloaded from
