ROBOTILL Version 5.32.3 is available for download. The following has changed:
- It is now no longer possible to close a drawer (shift) if there are open sales.
- The 'Reprint Last Slip' has been included in the 'Reprint Slip' security check. You can now choose if you want to allow a cashier to reprint a last slip or if a supervisor should be called. The reason for this is that some electronic cash drawers always open when a slip is printed and not only when the open command is send from the POS system.
- When you deleted products, it caused problems in one of the reports. This has now been fixed.
Remember that all upgrades are free. To upgrade to a new version follow these instructions.
To check your version number, open any ROBOTILL application and click on Help > About.
To see what is the latest version go to the ROBOTILL Download page, the version number is on top of the page.
To see what is the latest version go to the ROBOTILL Download page, the version number is on top of the page.
To see what has changed, have a look at the ROBOTILL Blog, but remember that we don't always publish an article about small fixes and changes.
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