Over the last couple of releases ROBOTILL improved its stock and inventory management. Recently ROBOTILL improved Stock Transfers and added Supplier Orders . Now in version 7.06 stock taking was improved with more functionality in the stock taking by list (grid) feature and a new stock taking by scanning feature. A stock taking report was also added. For more information on how the stock taking now work see stock taking in the online help . Enhancements done in Version 7.06 that is now available: Stock take by list improved with new filters. New stock stock taking with scanner screen was added. Stock taking adjustments report was added to report on stock taking variances (Reports > Stock > Stock Taking Variances). Price List report was added (Reports > Stock > Price List) that can be printed or exported to PDF, Excel or CSV format. The amount of attributes you can add to an attribute group was increased. If you delete a master product, ...
Point of Sale Software / Retail Software / Restaurant Software