ROBOTILL allows you to use Coupons and Combo Deals. Any type of Coupon can be used and examples of Combo Deals would be: Buy one get one free Buy 3 and get one free Buy 5 for the special price of ... Buy two 2L Cokes and get a packet of crisps for free Buy a Coke and Pie for the discount price of ... To set up a combo deal or coupon, open ROBOTILL Manager and go to Stock > 'Combo Deals and Coupons'. Each Combo Deal and Coupon work on the principle that some items are required (Required Items) in order to get a free item or discount (the Special Item). Coupons and/or required items can be scanned in any order. At the end of the sale the system will check if the sale qualify for any active Combo Deals. We will give 3 examples as most Combo Deals will fall into one of these categories. Example 1 - Free Item: Buy 3 Cokes and get One FREE click on the image to enlarge it You can choose if you want to allow multiple combo deals per sale or r...
Point of Sale Software / Retail Software / Restaurant Software