ROBOTILL (the International Point of Sale System ) by default will use VAT and display prices including tax as this is how most countries work. Some countries however (like the USA) have other requirements. In this article I will show how easy it is in ROBOTILL to change your tax set-up to work for a country like the USA. Basically what we want to achieve is for our receipts (till slips) to look something like the image above. Each item on the slip should display the amount excluding sales tax instead of the amount including sales tax (the default in ROBOTILL). As each item does not show the amount with tax, we want to indicate which items will be taxed. In the sample above we added a 'F' for tax free and a 'T' for taxable after each item (the default print setup does not have this column). We then also want to display the total without tax and then the total amount of tax (instead of giving a tax break down after the total including tax is displayed like ...
Point of Sale Software / Retail Software / Restaurant Software