Upgrading to a new version of ROBOTILL ( Point of Sale Software ) is free for all customers including users of the free edition of the POS software. Before you upgrade, remember to do a backup first. Open Manager and click on Tools > Database Backup and Restore > Backup . After you have done the backup, follow the steps below: Open your control panel, go to ‘Uninstall Programs’ and uninstall ROBOTILL. Only ROBOTILL will be uninstalled, not the database or the dataset server. Download the latest version from http://www.robotill.com and run the install file. The new installation will detect that the database server and database is already installed. It will also automatically make the necessary changes to the database. Remember to upgrade all your tills (POS Retail and POS Restaurant) as well as your back office computer (Manager).
Point of Sale Software / Retail Software / Restaurant Software